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April 2010



Could your family
be the one?
Make an Inquiry

Story Profile

James describes himself as athletic, funny, and cool. Others note that he is quick-witted and enjoys joking around with friends. He’s good at math, science, reading, and spelling, but still prefers hands-on activities over academics! Building with Legos, tinkering with electronics, and playing active outdoor games with friends are some of his favorite things to do. His hobbies include running, skateboarding, and playing football. In the future, James would like to play for the NFL and then become a therapist to help kids with their trauma.

James is clear that family is one of the most important things in his life, including some of his former foster families. He says that he really wants adults to be “trustworthy, for them to see me, and for them to choose me.” He wants to have a mom, a dad, and some older siblings. He’d like for them to have a dog and to live near his sister. James also wanted to share that he believes in God and Jesus.

James’ team looks forward to hearing from families living in Alaska who can give him the nurturing attention and clear expectations that will help him thrive.

Each Heart Gallery of Alaska profile is a strengths-based portrait and is not intended to provide details needed to make adoption placement decisions. Additional child-specific information may be provided to families who have completed licensing and training requirements.

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