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May 2016



Could your family
be the one?
Make an Inquiry

Story Profile

Jayden is an energetic and affectionate young boy! Enjoying lights, vibrations, and all types of music, Jayden loves to play with any toy that sings. Although he is currently non-verbal, Jayden has a unique way of expressing himself to those he holds dear. He is very cuddly and relies on touch to guide his daily experiences. Although his size may be deceiving, Jayden is very strong and likes to keep up with other young ones.

Jayden is in need of an equipped, two-parent family that is willing to learn his unique way of living and adapt to his ever-changing size and development. His team will consider any family willing to be a part of a team of care for Jayden and help increase his quality of life!

Each Heart Gallery of Alaska profile is a strengths-based portrait and is not intended to provide details needed to make adoption placement decisions. Additional child-specific information may be provided to families who have completed licensing and training requirements.

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