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February 2007



Could your family
be the one?
Make an Inquiry

Story Profile

Tanesha is a sweet teenager that enjoys meeting new people, shopping, and immersing herself in music. Tanesha aspires to attend an esthetician school after she completes high school. Her dream is to be self-sufficient, living in her own apartment, driving her own car, and thriving as a makeup artist.

Tanesha is hoping to find a family that can help her navigate adulthood and be there for her to provide lifelong support. She wants a family that is not going to give up on her when life gets hard. She would love a family that enjoys spending time together doing activities like shopping and other fun, "girly" things.

Tanesha would match best with a single mother but is open to being a part of a two-parent home. Tanesha is hoping her parent(s) will be supportive of reconnecting with her siblings and staying connected with friends!

Each Heart Gallery of Alaska profile is a strengths-based portrait and is not intended to provide details needed to make adoption placement decisions. Additional child-specific information may be provided to families who have completed licensing and training requirements.

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